The meeting starts and ends on time, everyone should be here.

Segue (5 min)

Everyone please share a piece of personal or business-related good news with the team!

  1. Everyone Login to Notion
  2. Good news, 1 personal and / or professional

KPIs / Scorecard (5 minutes)

Here’s the company’s KPIs, so they’re all top of mind for us.

Quarterly goals (5 minutes)

Drilling down a little deeper to look at this quarter’s goals. You can also link to any database in your workspace


Customer headlines (5 minutes)

Wins, losses, anything notable about your experience with customers last week.

To-Dos (5 min)

We will use this to track the status of primary tasks. Tasks are assigned to one or more people or teams and can include priority and due date.

Click By Status to organize by assignee, priority, or due date.


IDS (45 min)